Explore crime statistics like never before.

Get a powerful new perspective on crime in your community with our website! Our interactive graphs and maps make it easy to explore a detailed breakdown of the number and nature of crimes, compare crime statistics in nearby areas, and uncover crime patterns over recent years. With insights for borough, ward, and postcode levels, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the safety of your area. Start exploring today

Breakdown of number and nature of crimes
View and compare crime statistics in nearby areas
Crime patterns over recent years
Insights for borough, ward and postcode levels

Postcode search

Making areas comparable by normalizing crime numbers

Areas have different population density and hence a common standard metric ‘crime rate’ is normally used while reporting crime data. Crime rate in an area is the number of crimes per 1000 resident population of that area.

Essential tools against vehicle theft

Essential tools against vehicle theft.

A ‘different’ rating system

Crime numbers compared with the national statistics does not bring out a focused view of your area. Most often, while renting or purchasing a house, a comparision is made with near by areas.
All crime rating on this website is based on comparing crime rate in your area to near by areas.

Crime locations on map

While viewing data at postcode level, crime locations are marked on a map.

Reliable data from official government sources

Source of crime data https://data.police.uk/
Crime data

Monthly crime data is published by DATA.POLICE.UK

Area mapping and boundaries


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