reduce vehicle crime

Protect Your Vehicle: Essential Tools to Prevent Car Theft

Vehicle crime is a significant concern for car owners in the UK. Intruders are becoming increasingly sophisticated, using advanced techniques to steal vehicles. Fortunately, there are several effective tools and devices that you can use to protect your car and deter criminals. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most popular and reliable options available on Amazon, along with some additional deterrents you should consider.

Faraday Pouches

Why You Need It: Modern car keys often use a signal to communicate with your vehicle. Intruders can exploit this by using signal relay devices to unlock your car remotely. A Faraday pouch blocks these signals, preventing unauthorized access.

Steering Wheel Lock

Why You Need It: A steering wheel lock is a classic deterrent that prevents the steering wheel from being turned, making it nearly impossible for an intruder to drive away. The visible presence of a steering wheel lock can also deter intruders from even attempting to break in.

Wheel Clamps

Why You Need It: Another excellent deterrent, they are a highly effective way to immobilize your vehicle. These devices lock onto your wheel, making it impossible to drive the car without removing the clamp, which requires time and tools.

Additional Deterrents

In addition to the tools and devices mentioned above, here are a few more strategies to help deter vehicle crime:

  • Parking in Well-Lit Areas: Always try to park in well-lit, busy areas where criminals are less likely to operate.
  • Install a Home Security Camera: If you park your vehicle at home, installing a security camera that covers your driveway or street can deter intruders.
  • Use a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Etching: Etching your car’s VIN onto windows and other parts makes it harder for intruders to sell your vehicle or its parts.
  • Don’t Leave Valuables in Plain Sight

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