Lichfield crime rate
Overview of Lichfield crime rate
Lichfield ranks 25th out of 25 nearby boroughs/local administrative districts for crime rate. In 2023, there were 7041 crime incidents reported. As per the latest census, Lichfield has a population of 106436. This equates to a crime rate of 66.15 per 1000 residents. This crime rate represents a decrease of 4.41 % compared to previous year.
Most common crime types in Lichfield are Violence and sexual offences (41.1%) Anti-social behaviour (12.2%) Vehicle crime (8.7%) and least common crime types are Bicycle theft (0.7%) Robbery (0.6%) Theft from the person (0.5%).
There are 22 wards in Lichfield. Wards with high crime rates are Stowe (152.7), Chasetown (124.1), Chadsmead (100.4) . On the other end, safest wards are Colton & the Ridwares (31.0), Highfield (Lichfield) (29.9), Mease Valley (29.2) .
Lichfield crime incidents by crime type
- Violence and sexual offences – 2893 (41.1)%
- Anti-social behaviour – 859 (12.2)%
- Vehicle crime – 612 (8.7)%
- Shoplifting – 523 (7.4)%
- Other theft – 486 (6.9)%
- Public order – 484 (6.9)%
- Criminal damage and arson – 457 (6.5)%
- Burglary – 331 (4.7)%
- Other crime – 119 (1.7)%
- Drugs – 82 (1.2)%
- Possession of weapons – 68 (1.0)%
- Bicycle theft – 52 (0.7)%
- Robbery – 41 (0.6)%
- Theft from the person – 34 (0.5)%
How does Lichfield compare against nearby areas ?
List of nearby boroughs/local administrative districts from high crime rate to low (2023):
Heat map for all nearby areas Lichfield is compared against
Crime rates in Lichfield wards
There are 22 wards within Lichfield. Stowe, Chasetown, Chadsmead has highest crime rate (crime per 1000 residents). Below map shows 2023 crime rates broken down by crime types.
List of all 22 wards from high crime rate to low.
Analyze trends and crime types for Lichfield wards
Crime rates in postcode districts under Lichfield
There are 11 postcode districts/outcodes under or overlapping with Lichfield. Highest crime rates in WS8, WS13, B79 .
- WS8 – 103.0
- WS13 – 97.6
- B79 – 84.3
- B78 – 84.3
- WS9 – 83.6
- B75 – 75.4
- WS15 – 64.9
- WS7 – 61.7
- WS14 – 52.5
- DE13 – 50.6
- B74 – 44.8
Postcode districts in Lichfield
For postcode level details drill down the postcode districts or visit Postcode Search