Tower Hamlets crime rate
Essential tools against vehicle theft.
Crime Rate in Brent
The most prevalent crimes in Basildon are Violence and sexual offences (39.4%), Anti-social behaviour (9.2%), and Vehicle crime (8.4%), with the least common being Robbery (0.9%), Theft from the person (0.6%), and Bicycle theft (0.5%).
Out of its 16 wards, those with the highest crime rates include St Martin’s (Basildon) (290.8), Pitsea South East (199.3), and Fryerns (166.1), whereas the safest wards are Langdon Hills (49.6), Billericay East (47.6), and Burstead (46.6).
Regarding Postcode districts overlapping Basildon, SS14 (204.6), SS13 (181.4), and SS16 (110.1) report high crime rates, while SS7 (52.3), CM4 (49.5), and CM11 (41.7) are among the safest.
List of nearby boroughs/local administrative districts from high crime rate to low (2023):
There are 16 wards within Basildon. St Martin’s (Basildon), Pitsea South East, Fryerns has highest crime rate (crime per 1000 residents). Below map shows 2023 crime rates broken down by crime types.
List of all 16 wards from high crime rate to low.
There are 13 postcode districts/outcodes under or overlapping with Basildon. Highest crime rates in SS14, SS13, SS16 .
For postcode level details drill down the postcode districts or visit Postcode Search
Crime rating – high.
Hackney ranks 7th out of 25 nearby boroughs/local administrative districts for crime rate.
In 2023, there were 39106 crime incidents reported.
As per the latest census, Hackney has a population of 259146.
This equates to a crime rate of 150.9 per 1000 residents.
This crime rate represents an increase of 0.55 % compared to previous year. It also puts
Hackney in 7th position
out of the 33 London boroughs.
Crime rating – low.
Redbridge ranks 19th out of 25 nearby boroughs/local administrative districts for crime rate.
In 2023, there were 30362 crime incidents reported.
As per the latest census, Redbridge has a population of 310260.
This equates to a crime rate of 97.86 per 1000 residents.
This crime rate represents a decrease of 2.93 % compared to previous year. It also puts
Redbridge in 24th position
out of the 33 London boroughs.
Crime rating – medium.
Waltham Forest ranks 17th out of 25 nearby boroughs/local administrative districts for crime rate.
In 2023, there were 30929 crime incidents reported.
As per the latest census, Waltham Forest has a population of 278425.
This equates to a crime rate of 111.09 per 1000 residents.
This crime rate represents an increase of 3.31 % compared to previous year. It also puts
Waltham Forest in 21st position
out of the 33 London boroughs.
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